Hello, my fellow humans! My name is Sydney, and I am the owner and creator of the company that I like to call SAW Enterprises, or, for short SAW Ent! I started this company a couple of years ago in 2020, but have found myself floundering for time to do more with it. I have decided recently that I will no longer be leaving this on the back burner. I want to work hard to grow my business and see where it takes me. When I first started SAW Enterprises it was to promote my many business endeavors, including babysitting, data entry, caregiving, and, most importantly, graphic design! Now I am using it to focus solely on my work as an aspiring graphic designer! Thank you for being a part of my journey!
I am starting this blog to help show off my designs and give you some backstory on them. For example, the picture I have attached below is one of my coming designs! My goal with my designs is to be able to sell them in some form and hopefully help in some ways through that. There will be more info on that topic coming in next week’s blog! I, however, am unable to set up my store at this point due to some restrictions. Until these restrictions have been overcome, my plan is to do slow reveals over the coming months such as this one that I am in the middle of and the koala heart design which was released over the last couple of weeks! If you have a guess on what the attached picture may be, head over to one of my social media platforms to leave a comment! We are on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest! After the said restrictions are overcome, I will have my store set up ASAP and continue the process of getting all of my designs for sale! Hope you love them!